Configuring deployed apps
All the apps have an extended set of configuration options which might need tuning based on different scenarios. These configurations are accepted in the HOCON format.
Adding ad-hoc configuration
Every app accepts extra configuration through environment variables. All the environment variables passed to the apps, that start with ADDITIONAL_CONFIG will be processed and the configuration will be applied when the app starts.
Example env: ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_EXAMPLE=”canton.example.key=value”
The full configuration for each app can be observed in the scala code, with the configuration key being kebab case compared to the camel case in the scala code:
Furthermore, the participant and other synchronizer components can be configured independently as well. Further info on such configurations can be found in the daml docs.
Helm charts support
The helm charts can be configured through the value additionalEnvVars, which passes the values as environment variables to the apps.
value: canton.example.key=value