Getting console access to Canton nodes

For more involved debugging and disaster recovery, direct access to the console of a Canton node (participant, sequencer, mediator) might be required. Steps to obtain such access:


  • Direct access to the Canton node process

  • Canton binary

Once you see the following banner for the console you have successfully gained access

  _____            _
 / ____|          | |
| |     __ _ _ __ | |_ ___  _ __
| |    / _` | '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \
| |___| (_| | | | | || (_) | | | |
 \_____\__,_|_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_|

 Welcome to Canton!

Participant console

  1. Obtain an authentication token as specified in Authentication

  2. Ensure you can access the participant’s ports 5001 and 5002

  3. Add the configuration to a local file console.conf
    canton {
      remote-participants {
        participant {
          admin-api {
            port = 5002
            address = localhost
          ledger-api {
            port = 5001
            address = localhost
          token = "<auth token>"
      features.enable-preview-commands = yes
      features.enable-testing-commands = yes
      features.enable-repair-commands = yes
  4. Run the docker command

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v $(pwd)/console.conf:/app/app.conf|version_literal| --console


    If you run the participant using the docker compose setup the docker command must be run with the docker network used by the participant. Adjust the configuration to connect to the participant container:

    canton {
      remote-participants {
        participant {
          admin-api {
            port = 5002
            address = participant
          ledger-api {
            port = 5001
            address = participant
          token = "<auth token>"
      features.enable-preview-commands = yes
      features.enable-testing-commands = yes
      features.enable-repair-commands = yes

    Running docker with the default network (splice-validator):

    docker run -it --rm --network splice-validator -v $(pwd)/console.conf:/app/app.conf|version_literal| --console

Sequencer console

  1. Ensure you can access the sequencer’s ports 5008 and 5009

  2. Add the configuration to a local file console.conf

    canton {
      remote-sequencers {
        sequencer {
          public-api {
            port = 5008
            address = localhost
          admin-api {
            port = 5009
            address = localhost
      features.enable-preview-commands = yes
      features.enable-testing-commands = yes
      features.enable-repair-commands = yes
  3. Run the docker command

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v $(pwd)/console.conf:/app/app.conf|version_literal| --console

Mediator console

  1. Ensure you can access the mediator’s port 5007

  2. Add the configuration to a local file console.conf

    canton {
      remote-mediators {
        mediator {
          admin-api {
            port = 5007
            address = localhost
      features.enable-preview-commands = yes
      features.enable-testing-commands = yes
      features.enable-repair-commands = yes
  3. Run the docker command

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v $(pwd)/console.conf:/app/app.conf|version_literal| --console

Access in a K8s cluster

In a K8s cluster you can use a debug pod to access the console directly from the cluster.

First you can create a pod running the right canton version using:

kubectl debug "${POD_NAME}" --image "$(kubectl get pod "${POD_NAME}" -o json | jq -re '.spec.containers[0].image')" -i -t -- bash

where POD_NAME is the name of the participant/sequencer/mediator pod.

Once you are inside the running pod you can install a text editor and create the config file console.conf that is described above.

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y vim
$ vim console.conf # paste in the config from above
$ /app/bin/canton -v -c console.conf